


使用iMovie HD和iDVD 創建一個三維樣片(本文使用GOOGLE TRANSLATE作翻譯)

蘋果公司的iLife '06多媒體程序可以創建一個令人難以置信的3D演示捲軸容易的外觀和功能的高度專業介紹。iLife的創意套件無縫集成劇照,視頻,音頻和網絡。您可以編輯您的源材料在iMovie HD,創建原始音軌和GarageBand,選擇現有軌道在iTunes,製作幻燈片,仍呈現在iPhoto中,您的DVD和作者在iDVD。您甚至可以導出您編輯的3D演示卷到iWeb創建網站,電子郵件和播客。

步驟1:組裝和創造的QuickTime電影,您的3D渲染圖像。 您可以加載圖像序列到QuickTime專業版,並導出為電影文件。啟動iMovie HD和選擇創建一個新項目從項目窗口。鍵入新的名稱您的項目並選擇一個目的地。該項目將建立自己的3D演示蒙太奇序列。

步驟2:加載所有的QT間期的應納入您的蒙太奇。 點擊文件“>進口,或拖動你的材料從桌面或硬盤驅動器直接到iMovie的剪輯窗格。

步驟3:切換您的瀏覽器的圖標從觀眾的剪輯線顯示。 編輯您的影片之一QT間期的時刻作物關閉任何不需要的鏡頭。見iMovie的幫助以獲取更多詳情。一旦每個剪輯編輯,將你的Qt加入線顯示。您可以更改順序的剪輯隨時通過拖動一個QT間前面一個又一個。

步驟4:添加視頻效果到您的一個片段。 要添加到您的鏡頭喇叭開幕標識序列,選擇編輯窗格按鈕,並單擊視頻FX菜單。有了您的剪輯選中,單擊鏡頭喇叭。阿預覽會出現在主瀏覽器窗口。一旦你操縱效果的設置,以滿足預期的結果,點擊應用。

步驟5:添加疊化過渡 開放標誌之間的第一順序和您的蒙太奇剪輯的順利編輯兩個剪輯。選擇所需的剪輯,使每一個都會受到影響。點擊編輯窗格按鈕,然後選擇菜單中的過渡。選擇疊,並輸入速度,你想過渡發生。阿疊夾將出現在線顯示。你可以選擇,刪除和重新分配在任何時候再過渡到任何剪輯。

步驟6:添加關閉標題序列。 從iPhoto添加劇照上按一下按鈕並選擇媒體的圖片菜單。默認情況下,iPhoto的庫將可以看得見的,可用的縮略圖圖像。拖動您的標誌仍然是內容頁,到最後你的時間安排和調整的時間及暫停時間,然後單擊應用。點擊編輯窗格按鈕並選擇標題菜單。選擇一個標題為中心的選項,如標題。包括你的姓名,職稱,電話號碼和電子郵件地址。您的聯繫方式,應至少10秒的長度。

步驟7:添加音軌播放支持你蒙太奇。(見步伐,與音樂節的技巧更多信息)點擊媒體窗格按鈕並選擇音頻菜單。此菜單可讓您使用GarageBand和iTunes文件以及iLife '06的聲音效果。選擇你的音頻文件,並將其拖到你的頭線顯示。點擊編輯窗格按鈕,然後音頻效果的各種屬性,調整你的音軌。編輯您的音頻長度的長度你的蒙太奇。查看您的iMovie幫助更多的細節。

步驟8:選擇文件“>清空垃圾箱。 當提示窗口出現時,單擊清空垃圾箱和保存項目。之後的垃圾桶是空的項目保存,點擊共享“> iDVD中。 iDVD會會自動啟動,將把你的影片進入一個新的項目。

步驟9:在iDVD中,單擊“文件>另存為。 鍵入新的名稱你的iDVD項目,並選擇一個目標。該項目將建立自己的3D演示DVD光盤。按一下按鈕,主題窗格中選擇一個主題進行定制。本教程使用的是全幀主題下的6.0主題菜單。

步驟10:音頻和圖片文件將出現在媒體窗格,因為他們沒有在iMovie。 這些文件可以被拖進拖放區,這些地區的主題,讓服裝的內容。點擊媒體窗格按鈕,選擇菜單中的圖片,並拖動標誌仍在調查主題的背景拖放區。點擊文本。按一下按鈕和菜單窗格操作文本的屬性。

步驟11:添加子菜單作為您的演示擊穿頁和聯繫方式頁面。 點擊加號圖標,打開下拉菜單,選擇添加子菜單。雙擊菜單文本上創建了您的徽標之中。按一下按鈕面板按鈕和文本操作需要。重複此步驟創建一個聯繫方式菜單。


步驟13:當您滿意您的項目,點擊“文件>另存。 點擊網站的圖標,它會變成黃色和黑色的燒傷圖標,讓你知道已經開始燃燒。將提示您插入一張空白的可刻錄DVD。享受你的專業建造三維演示卷的DVD。




您可以設計一個自定義背景圖片為您的DVD菜單使用的Photoshop。對於標準清晰度(SD)DVD的,創建一個新文件,並使用了“NTSC制式購買本域名720 × 480(與導遊)”預置。高清晰度(HD)DVD的,選擇一個預設的HDV符合您的項目設置。當你正在設計中,確保關鍵元素,比如您的標誌,在室內逗留的指南。此外,這是一個好主意留下一些空地菜單項,您將添加在iDVD。





當你的iMovie項目完成後,單擊共享“> iDVD中。主菜單由此產生的iDVD項目將包括一個鏈接到“播放影片”和“場景選擇。”從這裡,你可以編輯這些文本鏈接和進行其他更改,以配合看你的捲軸。


創意專業人士,往往好像他們捲軸為同樣的目的作為一個傳統的“文件”恢復。然而,這是一個好主意,潛在的雇主提供一個既。 iDVD會提供了一個方便的方法,可提供你和你的簡歷卷在一張光盤上。

開始準備你的簡歷,並保存它作為一個文件。您可以使用任何標準的文件格式,如Adobe PDF格式。然後,在你的iDVD項目,單擊高級>“編輯的DVD - ROM內容...單擊添加文件...並找到你的簡歷。這些文件添加到您的DVD - ROM光盤的部分你將可以訪問光盤時,被認為是在計算機上。




您可以輕鬆地建立一個網頁,為您的捲軸與iMovie和iWeb。從iMovie中,單擊共享“>使用iWeb。在對話框中,選擇“共享為網絡”,然後單擊共享。 iMovie會自動壓縮您的捲軸和發射使用iWeb。您可能會看到的。Mac登錄對話框-或者單擊登錄登錄,或關閉的情況下繼續簽署英寸下一個對話框讓你選擇一個模板,為您的網頁;進行選擇,然後單擊選擇。從這裡,您可以編輯您的網頁並添加更多的網頁,如果你喜歡。您的網頁將不能進入網上,直到你出版。請參閱使用iWeb手冊更多信息發布網站。

iPod的一個偉大的方式,讓您在您的口袋捲軸,並隨時準備表演。從iMovie中,單擊共享“>的iPod。 iMovie會準備好您的視頻文件,並將其添加到您的iTunes曲庫。從那裡,您的iPod連接。默認情況下,iTunes會自動更新您的iPod以新的內容。如果您更改的偏好,你可能需要添加到你的iPod視頻手動拖動它從你的iTunes資料庫的iPod圖標在iTunes。





iMovie Technique
Creating a 3D Demo Reel using iMovie HD and iDVD

Apple’s iLife ’06 multimedia programs make creating a 3D Demo Reel incredibly easy with the look and functionality of a highly professional presentation. ILife’s creative suite seamlessly integrates stills, video, audio, and web. You can edit your source material in iMovie HD, create original audio tracks with GarageBand, select existing tracks within iTunes, create slideshows of still renders in iPhoto, and author your DVD in iDVD. You can even export your edited 3D Demo Reel to iWeb to create websites, emails, and podcasts.

Step 1: Assemble and create QuickTime Movies of your 3D rendered images. You can load image sequences into QuickTime Pro, and export them as movie files. Launch iMovie HD and select Create a New Project from the project window. Type in the new name of your project and select a destination. This project will create your 3D Demo Montage sequence.

Step 2: Load all the QT’s that should be included into your montage. Click on File > Import, or drag your material from your desktop or hard drive directly onto iMovie’s Clips Pane.

Step 3: Toggle your viewer icons from the clips viewer to the timeline viewer. Edit your QT movies one at a time to crop off any unwanted footage. See the iMovie Help for more details. Once each clip is edited, drag your QT’s into the timeline viewer. You can change the order of the clips at anytime by dragging one QT in front of another one.

Step 4: Add Video FX to one of your clips. To add Lens Flare to your Opening Logo Sequence, select the Editing Pane button and click on the Video FX menu. With your clip selected, click on Lens Flare. A preview will appear in the main viewer window. Once you have manipulated the effect’s settings to meet a desired outcome, click on Apply.

Step 5: Add a Cross Dissolve transition between your opening logo sequence and the first clip of your montage for a smooth edit between the two clips. Select the desired clips so that each will be affected. Click on the Editing Pane button and select the Transitions menu. Select Cross Dissolve, and enter the speed at which you would like the transition to occur. A Cross Dissolve clip will appear in the timeline viewer. You can select, delete and reassign another transition at anytime to any of your clips.

Step 6: Add a Closing Title Sequence. Add stills from iPhoto by clicking on the Media button and selecting the Photo menu. By default, iPhoto’s library will be visible and has thumbnails of the available images. Drag the still of your logo content page, to the end of your timeline and adjust the duration and pause time, then click Apply. Click on the Editing Pane button and select the Titles menu. Select a title option such as Centered Title. Include your full name, title, phone number, and email address. Your contact info should be at least 10 seconds in length.

Step 7: Add a soundtrack to play behind your montage.(See Move With The Music in the tips section for more information) Click on the Media Pane button and select the Audio menu. This menu gives you access to GarageBand and iTunes files along with iLife ’06 sound effects. Select your audio file and drag it to the head of your timeline viewer. Click on the Editing Pane button and then Audio FX to adjust various attributes of your audio track. Edit the length of your audio to the length of your montage. See your iMovie help for more details.

Step 8: Select File > Empty Trash. When the prompt window appears, click on Empty Trash and Save Project. After the trash is emptied and the project saved, click on Share > iDVD. IDVD will automatically launch and will place your movie into a new project.

Step 9: In iDVD, click File > Save As. Type in the new name of your iDVD project and select a destination. This project will create your 3D Demo DVD Disc. Click on the Themes Pane button and select a theme to customize. This tutorial is using the Full Frame theme under the 6.0 Themes menu.

Step 10: Audio and Photo files will appear under the Media Pane as they did in iMovie. These files can be dragged into drop zones, which are areas of themes that allow costume content. Click on the Media Pane button, select the Photo menu, and drag your Logo still into the main theme’s background drop zone. Click on the text. Click on the Menu Pane button and manipulate the text’s attributes.

Step 11: Add Submenus to act as your Demo Breakdown page and your Contact Info page. Click on the plus icon to open the drop down menu and select Add Submenu. Double click on the submenu text that has been created on your Logo still. Click on the Buttons pane button and manipulate the text as needed. Repeat this step to create a Contact Info submenu.

Step 12: Double click on your submenu button.Your submenu opens in your viewer. Click on the text, select the Menu Pane button and manipulate text as needed. To add more text, click Project > Add Text and manipulate the text.

Step 13: When you are satisfied with your project, Click on File > Save. Click on the portal icon, which will transform into a yellow and black burn icon to let you know burning has begun. You will be prompted to insert a blank recordable DVD. Enjoy your professionally constructed 3D Demo Reel DVD.


Tip 1: Designer Background

iDVD comes with Themes that create a look and feel for your DVD’s menu system. However, most professionals choose to customize their DVD menus with their logo or other custom imagery.

You can design a custom background image for your DVD menu using Photoshop. For standard definition (SD) DVD’s, create a new file and use the “NTSC DV 720 x 480 (with guides)” preset. For High Definition (HD) DVD’s, choose one of the HDV presets that matches your project settings. While you are designing, make sure that key elements like your logo stay inside of the guides. Also, it’s a good idea to leave some open space for the menu items that you will add in iDVD.

When your design is complete, you can save your file in Photoshop format. You can then drag your Photoshop file directly from the Finder into the background of your iDVD menu.

Tip 2: Skip to a Clip

You can have your reel play the whole way through, but you can also give your audience the option of navigating to your favorite parts with a custom menu. An easy way to do this is by setting chapter markers in iMovie before you send your project to iDVD.

In iMovie, move the playhead to where the first chapter marker should be. Click on the Chapters button, which will open an empty list. Click on Add Marker, and a new chapter marker will be added. You can rename each chapter marker by double clicking on its title; this is a good idea since these titles will become the menu item text in iDVD. The markers appear in the timeline as yellow diamonds.

When your iMovie project is complete, click Share > iDVD. The main menu of the resulting iDVD project will include a link to “Play Movie” and for “Scene Selection.” From there, you can edit the text of these links and make other changes to match the look of your reel.

Tip 3: Resume Included

For creative professionals, it often seems like their reel serves the same purpose as a traditional “paper” resume. However, it’s a good idea to provide a potential employer with both. iDVD provides a convenient way to deliver both your reel and your resume on a single disc.

Start by preparing your resume and saving it as a file. You can use any standard file format, such as Adobe PDF. Then, in your iDVD project, click Advanced > Edit DVD-ROM Contents... click Add Files... and locate your resume. The files you add to the DVD-ROM portion of your disc will be accessible when the disc is viewed on a computer.

If you like, you can also add other appropriate files. Just make sure that you don’t add too many large files - you may not have enough space left on your DVD for your reel! You can always check available space by clicking Project > Project Info...

Tip 4: Your Reel Anywhere

The Share menu in iMovie makes it easy to send your project to iDVD, but you may have noticed that there are a lot of other ways to share your work.

You can easily create a web page for your reel with iMovie and iWeb. From iMovie, click Share > iWeb. In the dialog box, choose “Share for web” and click Share. iMovie will automatically compress your reel and launch iWeb. You may see a .Mac login dialog - either click Sign In to sign in, or Close to continue without signing in. The next dialog allows you to choose a template for your page; make a selection and click Choose. From here, you can edit your page and add more pages if you like. Your web page will not be accessible online until you publish it. Refer to the iWeb manual for more information on publishing websites.

iPods are a great way to keep your reel in your pocket and always ready to show. From iMovie, click Share > iPod. iMovie will prepare your video file and add it to your iTunes library. From there, connect your iPod. By default, iTunes will automatically update your iPod with the new content. If you changed the preferences, you may have to add the video to your iPod manually by dragging it from your iTunes library to the iPod icon in iTunes.

Tip 5: Move With The Music

Music is an effective way to add ambience to your reel. You can also use speed and rhythm of music to guide the edits you make in iMovie. Many professionals add custom music to their reels, and you can do the same with Garage Band.

Even if you are not a musician, you can create music in Garage Band. Click on the “eye” icon to open the Loop Browser, and you will find many loops in intuitive categories like Electronic, Relaxed, and Intense. Think of loops as building blocks that you can layer to quickly make your own songs. Simply drag clips from the Loop Browser to the Timeline to start composing.

When your song is ready, click Share > Send Song to iTunes. You song will appear in your iTunes library. You can then access it through the Media browser in iMovie or iDVD. Refer to the Garage Band manual for more ways to make music for your reel.
